October 16, 2006

Back in touch with the world...

I just took a moment out of my day to cruise through Tribe and see what's been going on... Wow! Have I ever been out of touch.

Sorry to anyone whose comments I've missed and/or not responded to. The first half of October is just a blur. Actually, except for a few dyas of absolute, momentus events, I barely recall the summer. Phew!

Now that the Dancers' Bazaar has passed I'm on to mre projects. The Bazaar was a great lot of fun following 2 weeks of hectic activity to prepare for it. Thanks go out to Tracey (Halyma) for her excellent organizational skills and to her bevvy of volunteers who gave of themselves so generously. I think I speak for all the vendors when I say "A difficult job done with lovely grace".

Dancers' Bazaar was great. This was my first year as a vendor after a couple of years as a volunteer. Unfortunately, as a vendor, there was no time to really shop. Saved me lots of money ;-) There were so many things I missed out on seeing that I've heard about since :-( . I learned much about being a vendor and how to be better prepared next time. I felt, going into it, that I had been pretty much organized but when I got there... well there were a few things I'll do differently for February.

Thanks to all my students who came by to say hello. I hope you all found what you were looking for and maybe a few things you didn't know you needed :-)

Now for the Halloween costume. Witches Gathering will, once again, be my party of choice. Tracey and Tom are back on the judging panel this year. Sue is going to attend this year and I'm hoping to see many of you there. My idea for a costume may have to wait for next year and Michelle R. tells me it will be more in keeping with the plan for next year's theme. What I had planned would be a lot of work to make well (anyone who knows me will understand this means "as close to perfect as I can get"). So I may go with my second choice which I already have part of.

Hope to be more in touch from now on.

Posted by gailene at 04:59 PM