February 17, 2004

new contact information

Hello Everybody

I have moved into a new semi-permanent 'home' and this is how you can contact me in Auckland, New Zealand. I bought a Vodafone SIM card for the cell and will set up the GPRS (email and weblink) tonight. In the meantime I can recieve SMS text messages on it, I think. If you must contact me by phone you can but it will now be a long distance call to do so. I have decided not to get a 0800 number services. It is not expensive but I don't think it is necessary as nobody ever called the cellphone before this... so why bother paying for a service that won't get used.

The new phone number is:
country code 27 0211814874.

The mailing address is:
8 Richmond Road
Ponsonby, Auckland
1002 New Zealand

Of course... we never know how long I may or may not be there. I am guessing at least a month to find work and then, depending on the job, I may be staying there or moving on. If I am moving on I'll leave a forwarding address with Elaine (the landlady).

email and website don't change.

Posted by gailene at February 17, 2004 11:25 AM