March 14, 2003

BIG news from Provo

Lots has happened since my last update on March 4th so I'll keep this short.

I had a great week in the house. Got started on a painting which is not yet finished. Went on 3 2-tank dives. Met lots of great folks here. Have new friends every where now. Rented a bike for 3 days to get around the island.

Had to give up the house last Saturday... beautiful but pricey. A young woman who works for Provo Turtle Divers and whose Dad owns Scooter Bob's where I rented the bike offered me her couch for a week so I took it. It was out the East end of the island near the golf club.

Met a couple, Jo and Dale Cheek, who are chef & captain (respectively) of a 95 foot motor yacht. They offered me the job of stewardess on the charter they have starting this weekend (tomorrow), Saturday, and I accepted. So I've been living in the lap of luxury and working my butt off (hopefully physically not just metaphorically) since Tuesday morning. My job duties cover everything except driving the boat, cooking meals and maintaning the engines and systems. That is for the Captain, Chef and Mate. The guests come aboard Saturday noon and we have been frantically getting ready for them. There are 5 of them.

The name of the boat is High Cotton and the owners are Etta Rae and Henry Hirsch. The guests have paid big bucks for this one week vacation. So we'll be touring the Turks and Caicos Islands until noon next Saturday. With 3 kids (2 13 year old boys and a 11 year old girl) onboard it should be tons of fun. I'm really looking forward to it. A new experience for me. Even the crew quarters are luxurious compared to most boats I've slept on.

So I'll be out of touch for awhile. Gotta go now and get back to work.

Posted by gailene at March 14, 2003 11:53 AM