February 14, 2003

In Georgetown on Muirgheal

Hello everybody. It's been a long time since I last wrote in the blog, not since the night before leaving Warderick Wells. So you will be needing a catch up.

I am pre-writing this in the comfortable environment of the Muirgheal, Mike and Mary's boat. It is also the cheapest way to do e-mail messages. The only internet "cafe" around is in the Two Turtles hotel lobby where they charge US$0.50/minute for internet access and computer use. So I just taught Mary and Mike a new trick. Compose the messages on the laptop on the boat. Then take the files on disk (no laptop ports at the TT) to the internet cafe and paste the text into the messenger/email utility. So, mto save time and, therefore, money, I'm doing the same... preparing text now to plug into the blog tomorrow when Mary and
I go into town.

So now, I pick up from Warderick Wells morning of departure.

I got onto Stewart and Marilyn's boat "Union Jack" (a 33 ft NautiCat trawler) at 9:15am as planned. I took 3 cinnamon rolls with me to buy my way on to the boat. Yeah, they thought that was funny since they were glad to have me on board. We had a quiet, uneventful, pleasant trip to Staniel Cay arriving at 1:30. I got a room at Happy People Marina for $80/night and got settled in before we all went shopping at the Isles General Store, owned and operated by Miss Vivian. While there, Rosemary, Eric and Burgess arrived on a trip down from their camp sight on Compass Cay. We visited for awhile then I left to go to the Staniel Cay Yacht Club (SCYC) for a bight to eat.

Next day I went to the Isles General Store to meet up with them again. While sitting with them there (they were busy disassembling the kayaks and packing their stuff) Stewart and Marilyn arrived. I left with them for an hour to go to the Pink Store and the Blue store for groceries, etc. Then I returned to wait with them for the 1:00 pm plane to Nassau which did not show until 4:00pm. Meantime, a Flamingo Airways flight came in from Nassau at 3:00 and R,E & B bought tickets for that plane to take them to Nassau.

Had loads of adventures and fun in Staniel Cay. Here's a quick list: became known by everyone in town and anchored out or docked there; Walked up to Club Thuinderball which no one in their right mind would attempt; had supper on a 75ft luxury motor cruiser (yacht) TooKeen; met the famous Marylou, nurse at the St. Luke's Clinic; met the school teacher, Donna; met the infamous Wade Nixon knower of all in the exumas; bumpede into Stewart and Marilyn with dog Charlotte all over town; met captain Dave of Komedy III and MC for the 'wet T-shirt contest at the Farmer's Cay Family Festival; Met Tamara whose birthday is the same as mine (Feb 12), ultra website developer and contestant at the Farmer's Cay Family Festival; got a ride to Georgetown on the Jubilee II with John and Sandy.

Arrived in Georgetown about 5:30. Found Muirgheal, visited the Exuma Markets, went to the Two Turtles to wait for Mike to pick me up. Had supper on the boat, sat up 'til midnight with Mary. Made pancakes for breakfast this morning. We all went to town to get supplies, do laundry, eat, visit the Immigration office, bank, shop, etc. After that we all returned to the boat, got ready for and went to Volleyball Beach for the rest of the afternoon. I made a Thai curry stir fry for supper, M&M opened a bottle of Merlot and we ate a fabulous supper. Afterward I gave lessons to M&M in computer stuff... they are total novices. We were/are all exhausted and I will be last to bed tonight.

We hope to leave here on Saturday or Sunday to head for Long Island just 40 miles ESE of where we are now. Don't know when I'll be able to write again. Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes... they were more appreciated than usual because there was no one to celebrate my birthday with. I told M&M too late (well after supper) for a celebration. I'm now off to bed.

Next day:
OK all is well today. Mary and I are on our own today... we may go looking for Bahamian boys ;-) NOT!

Posted by gailene at February 14, 2003 11:38 AM